Jill Campbell-Mason is a licensed psychologist and former inner city school counselor who received her Bachelor and Masters degrees at Michigan State University. During her years of counseling, she and a colleague developed and patented the card game, Esteem Architecture, to help adolescents develop a greater awareness of themselves and greater respect for others. It has sold several thousand copies over the past twenty years.
Jill is a collectible artist, a published photographer, a mother of two, grandmother of a dozen, great-grandmother of who-knows-how-many, a kayaker, an explorer, a learner, a pilot and, as an author—a gymnast of words. Her writing grounds itself in the cultures and world views she’s discovered in her wide-ranging travels.
Jill has authored several books in her field including Lightning Bolts to Light Bulbs, a practical hands-on participatory workbook to transform negative angry impulses into positive actions. Along with it, a companion book: ANGRRR! validates one's emotions in short vignettes. produces limited-edition photographic books, as well as children’s books and short stories—both fiction and non-fiction.
Jill writes both novels and non-fiction. Currently she is writing a memoir of her four years spent living under the fascist dictator Francisco Franco in Spain.
Works by Jill Campbell-Mason
The Elephant in the Room